The subject of skin diseases is spread throughout the important diseases and remedies. It is impossible to sum them up in one place, in a repertory form.

Reference to skin diseases has been made under all the important remedies, such as Psorinum, Sulphur, Bacillinum, Tuberculinum, Variolinum and Mercury compounds etc. 

The latent form of skin diseases has been described to be the cause of suppressed restlessness. This is a good guide for a physician to treat this condition. With regard to skin diseases, the study of the infectious diseases is advised. Once again, I must say that it is impossible that the entire list of skin diseases be produced in one place in a repertory form.

For the guidance of all the physicians, the following remedies are given:

Agaricus- Anacardium - Anagallis - Anthracinum - Anthrakokali - Apis - Arnica - Arsenicum Album - Arsenicum Sulph - Berberis - Bovista - Croton - Dolichos - Graphites - Hepar Sulph - Hydrocotyle - Lachesis - Mercurius - Petroleum - Radium Bromide - Rhus Tox - Sepia - Silicea - Tiglium

by Mirza Tahir Ahmad