Vision (p. 271)
Vision, colors before the eyes (See Spots) (p. 272)
Vision, colors, black, spots, floating, reading, while (p. 273)
Vision, colors, gray, letters, change to round gray spots (p. 274)
Vision, colors, white, rays, flaming (p. 275)
Vision, dim, left eye (p. 276)
Vision, dim, reading (p. 277)
Vision, distant, objects seem (p. 278)
Vision, flickering, afternoon after nap (p. 279)
Vision, foggy, reading, while (p. 280)
Vision, light (p. 281)
Vision, loss of vision, headache, at beginning of (p. 282)
Vision, moving, objects seem to be, backward and forward (p. 283)
Vision, sparks, noon (p. 284)
Vision, weak, evening, twilight (p. 285)


ACCOMMODATION defective : Agar., ail., arg-n., aur-m., hydr., morph., nat-m., nit-ac., onos., phys., spig.

action too great : Phys.

diminished : Morph., phys., tab.

headaches : Mag-p.

over-exertion : Nux-v.

slow : Aur-m., cocc., Con., Gels., nat-m., onos., plat., psor.

tension : Jab.

ACUTE : Acon., ang., aspar., Bell., bufo., chin., colch., cycl., fl-ac., hyos., lach., nux-v., ph-ac., sars., seneg., viol-o.

at night, in hysterical persons : Ferr.

AMAUROSIS (See Paralysis)

APPROACH, objects seem to approach and then recede : Cic.

BALLS (See Colors) : Verat-v.

fire, of : Stram.

floating : Kali-c.

luminous : Cycl.

BLIND (See Lost)

BLURRED : Acon., aeth., arn., ars., aur., cact., calc-f., calc., chel., chin., con., crot-c., dros., fago., Gels., glon., iris., jab., kali-p., Lac-c., lil-t., lyc., med., merl., nat-a., Nat-m., nat-s., nux-v., onos., phos., phys., plat., psor., rhus-t., ruta., sec., stram., teucr., thuj., tril.

morning : Merl., nat-s.

evening : Ruta.

closing eyes amel. : Calc-f.

distant objects : Chel., jab.

emissions, after : Calc., chin., lil-t., Phos.

figures : Ail.

gaslight : Calc.

headache, before : Gels., hyos., Iris., kali-bi., podo., sep.

irritated, when : Con.

letters : Ail., arg-m., arg-n., ars., bell., carb-ac., chel., cina., cob., jab., kali-c., lyc., meph., ox-ac., phys., ruta., stram., sulph.

looking a short time : Nat-a.

overheated : Nux-v.

pressure amel. : Calc-f.

turning eyes : Gels.

writing, while : Calc-f.

BRIGHT (See Dazzling) : Anan., ars., chel., olnd.

CHANGING (See Moving, Vanishing) : Gels.

CIPHERS : Ph-ac., phos., sulph.

CIRCLES (See Colors) : Calc-p., carb-v., caust., hell., iod., kali-c., plb., psor., stront., zinc.

about light : Cycl.

around an internal brighter field : Carb-v.

colored around white objects : Hyos.

around a bright center : Ammc.

bands : Con.

fiery (See Fiery)

heat, during : Dig.

reading, while : Kali-c.

turning : Kali-c.

yellow and white rays, with : Kali-c.

zigzags : Viol-o.

of color : Sep.

flickering : Ign.

objects move in a circle on closing eyes : Hep.

CLOUDY (See Foggy)

COBWEBS before eyes (See Foggy)


COLORS before the eyes (See Spots) : Agar., am-c., anac., arn., arund., aur., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., camph., caust., chin-s., chin., cic., cina., cocc., Con., cycl., dig., eupho., hep., iod., ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., mag-c., mag-p., merc., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., ph-ac., phos., psor., puls., ruta., sars., sep., sil., spong., stram., stront., sulph., thuj.

evening : Agar., kali-n., sars.

blindness, color : Bell., carb-s., chlol., cina., sant.

fast motions, when making : Stram.

rubbing, after : Stront.

black : Agar., arn., cina., clem., lach., merc., Nat-m., phos.

animals : Nat-a.

balls : Bell., cund., kali-c.

circles (See Rings)

disk : Elaps.

figures : Cocc., petr.

floating before eyes : Cocc.

flickerings : Lach.

flies, floating : Sulph.

floating : Chel., chin., chlf., cop., daph., gins., led., petr., Phos.

halo : Phos.

horns : Cund.

letters change to points : Calc-p.

lightning : Staph.

looking down, when : Kalm.

motes : Merc-i-f.

moving : Thuj.

objects : Caps., cic., sol-n., stram., sul-ac.

turning, on : Cocc., sarr.

plate : Kali-bi.

points : Anan., ant-c., calc., caust., chin., con., elaps., gels., jatr., kali-c., merc., mosch., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., sol-n., tab., thuj.

morning : Bell.

candlelight, by : Carb-an.

dinner, before : Thuj.

reading, while : Calc., kali-c.

reading, while : Cic., kali-c., sol-n.

accompanying letter : Calc.

rings, circles : Psor., sol-n.

floating : Dig.

headache, before : Psor.

heat, during : Dig.

reading : Kali-c.

waving : Dig.

rising, from stooping : Mez.

serpents : Cund.

sparks : Stry.

spots : Agar., am-c., arg-n., asc-t., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., camph., chel., chin-s., chlor., cimic., cocc., con., cupr-ar., cur., dulc., elaps., Glon., hell., lil-t., lyc., mag-c., med., meli., nat-c., Nat-m., nit-ac., petr., phos., psor., Sep., sil., stram., stront., syph., tab., thuj., verat.

morning, waking, on : Dulc.

eating, after : Lyc.

exertion, physical : Calc.

eyes are closed, when : Con., elaps.

headache, before a : Psor.

during : Glon., Meli.

moving in all directions : Chin-s., sep., stram.

reading, after : Cocc., cur.

rising from a seat, on : Verat.

sewing, while : Am-c.

turning quickly : Glon.

vertigo, with : Con., glon.

writing, while : Nat-c.

floating (muscæ volitantes) : Acon., aesc., agar., am-c., anan., ant-t., arg-n., arn., asaf., aur., bar-c., bell., calc., carb-v., carl., caust., chel., Chin., chlol., cob., Cocc., coff., con., crot-h., cupr-ar., cycl., daph., dig., gels., glon., hyos., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., lact., lil-t., lyc., mag-c., merc., mez., morph., nat-c., Nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., par., Phos., Phys., psor., rhus-t., Sep., Sil., sol-n., stram., Sulph., tab., ter., thuj., verat., zinc.

eating, after : Lyc., phos.


reading, while : Kali-c.

sewing, after : Am-c.

walking in open air : Ter.

writing, while : Nat-c.

stripes : Con., ph-ac., sep., sol-n., sulph.

morning : Bell.

reading, while : Kali-c., sol-n.

veil : Aur.

before the right eye : Phos.

blue : Acon., act-sp., aur., bell., bry., Cina., crot-c., cycl., elaps., kali-c., lach., lyc., nicc., stram., stront., tril., tub., zinc.

right eye : Nicc.

evening : Am-br.

blindness for : Carb-s.

circles : Zinc.

closed, when eyes are : Thuj.

dark blue : Cycl., kreos.

distance, in the : Iod.

halo around candle : Ip., lach.

haze : Bry.

light around : Lach.

of the candle : Hipp.

reading : Bell.

rubbing, on : Stront.

points : Sec.

sparks : Ars.

spots : Acon., kali-c.

morning on rising : Thuj.

night, when lying on right side in a dark room : Stram.

in a dark room : Hep., stram.

stars : Psor.

during headache : Psor.

bright : Aloe., alum., am-c., ant-t., ars., aur., bar-c., bell., bor., bry., camph., cann-s., caust., chel., cic., Cina., coloc., con., croc., dig., dros., dulc., euphr., fl-ac., graph., hyos., ign., iod., ip., kali-bi., lyc., mang., meny., mez., nat-m., Nux-v., olnd., op., phos., plat., puls., rhus-t., sabin., sec., seneg., spig., stram., stront., valer., verat., viol-o., zinc.

dark : Acon., agar., am-m., ambr., anac., arn., ars., asaf., bell., berb., calc., carb-v., caust., cham., chin., cocc., con., cupr., dig., dros., euphr., ferr., hep., kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., laur., lyc., mag-c., mang., meny., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-v., olnd., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., plb., ruta., sabad., sec., sep., sil., squil., staph., stram., Sulph., thuj., verat., verb.

circles : Iod., kali-c.

with points of light : Caust.

clouds : Coca., lact-ac., ol-an., tarent.

objects : Ant-t., ign., nat-m., phos., sulph.

moving : Carb-h.

seem dark : Bell., berb., hep., nit-ac., thuj.

points : Chlf., cic., con., Sulph.

floating : Aur., hyos.

serpent-like waves : Phys.

specks : Calc., con., cupr-ar., kali-c., mag-c., nat-m., nit-ac., Phos., sep., Sil., sulph.

spots : Agar., asc-t., cact., carb-ac., carb-an., chlol., cimic., cocc., con., elaps., fl-ac., hell., jatr., kali-c., med., merc., phos., Sulph., thuj.

floating : Agar., cocc., Sulph.

reading agg. : Fl-ac., kali-c., lachn.

white margins, with : Con.

stripes : Cic., Sulph., zinc.

worms : Phys.

golden, everything looks : Hyos.

chain dangling before eyes : Chin.

letters seem : Bell.

gray, objects seem : Ars., camph., guare., nit-ac., nux-v., phal., phos., sep., sil., stram.

black objects seem gray : Stram.

bluish-gray circle around light : Lach.

circles : Lachn.

covering before eyes : Phos.

fog : Cic.

halo : Phos., sep.

letters : Stram.


change to round gray spots : Calc-p.

points : Nux-v.

point before right eye moving with eye : Brom.

reddish gray border around white things : Stram.

serpent-like bodies : Arg-n.

spots : Arg-n., calc-p., chlf., cic., lachn.

at a distance : Nit-ac.

veil : Apis., elaps.

green : Ars., calc., cann-i., canth., carb-s., Cina., cycl., dig., kali-ar., kali-c., lac-c., mag-m., merc., Phos., ruta., Sant., sep., stram., stront., stry., sulph., tub., zinc.

blindness for : Carb-s.

dinner, during : Mag-m.

amel. by eructations : Mag-m.

circles : Zinc.

around light : Verat-v.

halo around light : Calc., caust., mag-m., Phos., ruta., sep., sil., sulph., zinc.

letters : Canth.

pea green, saw herself on looking in the glass : Cina.

sparks : Kali-c.

spots : Caust., kali-c., lac-c., nit-ac., stram., stront.

walking in the dark, while : Stront.

stripes : Thuj.

vomiting : Tab.

yellow-green : Sant.

halo of colors around the light : Alum., anac., bar-c., Bell., bry., calad., calc., carb-v., cham., chim., cic., cycl., dig., gels., hep., ip., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., kali-s., lach., mag-m., merl., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., Osm., ph-ac., Phos., Puls., ran-b., ruta., sars., sep., stann., staph., Sulph., tub., zinc.

around the letters while reading : Alum., cic.

rainbow, all the colors : Bell., bry., con., dig., ip., puls.

beaming light of : Bell.

circles : Dig., ip.

strip on closing one eye : Bry.

red : Bell., cact., carb-s., cedr., Con., croc., dig., elaps., hep., hyos., kali-bi., lac-c., mag-m., nux-m., Phos., sars., sep., spong., stront., sulph., tarent.

night : Cedr., chin., elaps., mag-m., spong.

and yellow during day : Cedr.

blindness for : Carb-s.

circles : Cact.

on rubbing : Stront.

light seems to be : Sulph.

closing eyes : Elaps.

fiery spots : Elaps.

halo : Bell., com., ip., sil., verat-v.

around the lamplight : Con.

luminous appearance : Phos., spong.

masses : Spig.

objects seem : Atro., Bell., carb-s., Con., dig., hep., hyos., iodof., nux-m., Phos., stront.

obstructions on looking at the light : Cund.

paper looks red : Croc.

points : Elaps.

sparks : Fl-ac., stry.

spots : Elaps., hyos., lac-c., lyc.

striped : Am-c., bell., Con., nat-m., puls., sep., thuj.

variegated : Bell., bry., cic., Con., dig., kali-c., kali-n., kali-s., mag-p., nicc., ph-ac., phos., sep., stram., sulph.

violet : Cina.

white : Am-c., bell., dig., elaps., grat., kali-c., ph-ac.

blindness for : Carb-s.

candlelight seems : Dig.

falling drops on looking at snow : Kali-c.

flames : Chlf.

flickering : Ign., sep.

globules : Upa.

green, objects look : Grat.

margin around letters : Chin.

pale, faces appear white : Dig., Ind.

points : Ars., rat., ust.


rays, flaming : Cann-s.

sparks : Stry.

spots : Acon., ars., caust., coca., con., gins., mez., sol-n., sulph., ust.

then green : Caust.

waving : Dig.

stars : Alum., am-c., bell., caust., kali-c., nat-c.

blowing nose, on : Alum.

writing, while : Kali-c.

stripes : Sol-n.

zigzags in a circle : Ign.

yellow : Agar., aloe., alum., ars., bell., cann-i., canth., Cina., crot-h., cycl., dig., Ind., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-s., lac-c., plb., sant., sep., sil., stront., sulph., zinc.

day : Cedr.

and red at night : Cedr.

border around all objects : Bell.

circle around light : Kali-c., osm., zinc.

moving : Aloe.

cloud : Kali-c.

crescent-shaped bodies floating obliquely upwards : Aur.

flames : Sant., thuj.

halo around the light : Alum., sarr.

letters : Canth.

points : Carb-an.

red things look yellow : Bell.

shiny tremulous mist : Kali-c.

spots : Agar., am-c., am-m., plb.

before left eye : Agar.

looking at white objects : Am-c.

reading, while : Phos.

veil : Kali-bi.

vomiting, while : Tab.

CONFUSED (vision) : Acon., aeth., atro., aur., bapt., bell., cann-i., cedr., con., croc., dig., eug., Gels., glon., kali-bi., lil-t., lyc., Nat-m., phys., pic-ac., plat., psor., rhus-t., sec., stram., stry.

CROOKED, objects appear : Bell.

lines, while reading : Bell.

DANCING : All-c., bell., calc., cic., glon., nux-m., psor., sant.

headache, before : Psor.

DAZZLING (See Trembling) : Acon., am-m., anan., ant-c., ars., Bar-c., bell., calc., camph., Con., crot-c., Dros., euphr., Kali-c., kali-s., lach., lyc., merc., nat-c., olnd., ph-ac., phos., plb., psor., seneg., sep., Sil., stram., sulph., valer., verat-v.

candlelight : Lyc.

distant objects : All-c.

looking long : Sulph.

reading, while : Seneg.

snow : Ant-c., ars., olnd., sep.

spot before eyes : Chel.

sunlight : Euphr., lith., sep., stram.

urination, after : Eug.

DIM : Absin., Agar., ail., alum., alumn., am-c., ambr., ammc., anac., apis., arg-m., arg-n., ars-i., ars., arum-t., arund., asaf., asar., astac., atro., aur-m., Aur., bar-c., bar-m., Bell., berb., bism., bry., bufo., cact., cadm., calc-f., calc-s., Calc., camph., cann-i., Cann-s., canth., caps., carb-ac., carb-an., Carb-s., carb-v., Caust., cedr., cham., chel., chin-a., chin-s., Chin., chlol., cic., cimic., cina., cinnb., clem., cob., cocc., colch., coloc., com., Con., croc., crot-c., crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ar., Cycl., dig., dulc., elaps., Eupho., euphr., fago., ferr-ar., form., Gels., glon., graph., ham., hell., helon., Hep., hura., hydr., hyos., hyper., ign., iod., ip., jab., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-cy., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lac-c., lac-d., Lach., lachn., laur., led., lil-t., lith., Lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-m., mang., meph., Merc., merl., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., Nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., oena., ol-an., olnd., onos., Op., osm., par., petr., Ph-ac., phel., Phos., phys., phyt., pic-ac., plb., psor., Puls., raph., rhod., rhus-t., rhus-v., Ruta., sabad., sang., sars., sec., sel., seneg., Sep., Sil., sol-n., spig., staph., stram., stry., sul-ac., Sulph., sumb., tab., tarent., tax., teucr., ther., thuj., til., upa., verat-v., verat., verb., viol-o., viol-t., vip., zinc.

right : Agar., chel., form., kali-c., osm., puls., rhod., ruta., tarent., teucr.


left eye : Bor., com.

with right-sided headache : Arg-n.

daytime : Apis., both., sep.

morning : Asar., calc., carb-an., carb-v., caust., cham., chel., croc., cycl., daph., elaps., gels., hell., hep., kali-c., mag-s., nat-m., nux-v., puls., ruta., stram., sul-ac., valer.

amel. : Chin., phos.

waking, on : Caust., dulc., kali-c., mag-c., raph., zinc.

washing amel. : Caust.

forenoon : Carb-v., sulph., tarent.

reading, while : Op.

7 until 10 a.m. : Tarent.

11 a.m. : Sulph.

noon : Nat-a.

on rising from a seat : Nat-a.

afternoon, while reading : Ol-an.

evening : Alum., ammc., apis., asar., bor., euphr., Ind., kalm., lachn., merl., nicc., nit-ac., puls., ruta., sulph., tarent.

firelight agg. : Merc.

lying down amel. : Sep.

menses, during : Sep.

reading : Apis., croc., hep., mez., rhod., ruta.

twilight : Arg-n.

walking, while : Kali-bi., puls.

after, on entering a room : Dros.

fast : Puls.

warm from exertion, when : Puls.

9 a.m. : Stram.

night : Anac., Chin., hell., hyos., puls., ran-b., stram., zinc.

better at night than by day : Apis.

menses, during : Puls.

air, open : Alum., asar., con., merl., Puls., thuj., upa.

fresh, amel. : Asar., nat-s.

alternating with deafness : Cic.

anxiety, during : Chel.

blowing nose : Caust.

bright light : Bell., sol-n.

candlelight : All-c., arg-n., aur-m., bar-c., euphr., hep.

chill, during : Bell., chin., nat-m., sabin.

coition, after : Chin., Kali-c., kali-p., nat-p., Phos., Sep., sil.

cold bathing amel. : Asar., glon., nicc.

head becoming, from : Calc.

cough, during : Coff.

damp weather : Calc., crot-h.

dark day amel. : Eupho., sep.

descending stairs : Phys.

dinner, after : Calc., peti.

diphtheria, after : Apis., gels., Lach., nux-v., phys., Phyt., sil.

distant objects : Cact., euphr., gels., jab., mang., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., ol-an., ph-ac., phos., phys., rat., spong., Stram., sulph.

drunkards, in : Nux-v.

eating, while : Bufo., nat-s., nux-v.

after : Calc., nux-v.

erect, on becoming : Verat-v.

exertion of eyes, after : Calc., mang., nat-m., nit-ac., petr.

on fine work : Agar., calc., nat-m., Ruta.

body : Calc., Puls.

firelight agg. : Merc., nat-s.

headache, before : Gels., hyos., Iris., kali-bi., lac-d., nat-m., podo., psor., sep.

during : Ars., asar., aster., bell., caust., Cycl., ferr-p., gels., Iris., lil-t., nat-m., petr., phos., psor., sil., stram., Sulph., verat-v., zinc.

after : Sil.

heat, in, agg. : Asar.

looking long : Agar., mang., nat-a.

steadily amel. : Aur., mang.

measles, after : Caust., euphr., Kali-c., puls.

menses, before : Agn., bell., cinnb.

during : Cycl., graph., nat-m., puls., sep., sil.

mental exertion : Arg-n.

momentary spells : Cadm., euphr., lyc.

motion, from uneven : Con.

moving objects : Con., gels.

occiput, with pain in, extending to eye : Ery-a.

old people : Bar-c.

overheating : Nux-v.


reading : Agar., alum., am-c., apis., arg-m., asar., atro., calc., carb-v., caust., croc., daph., gels., hep., ign., jab., merl., Nat-m., Nit-ac., op., ph-ac., phos., rhod., rhus-v., Ruta., Seneg., sep., Sil., Sulph., vinc.

recurrent : Cact.

rheumatism, during : Puls.

rising from bed : Ars., sec.

a seat : Con., laur., verat-v.

from stooping : Nat-m.

room, in, amel. : Alum., con.

rubbing agg. : Caust.

amel. : Cina., puls., sulph.

seminal emission, after : Kali-c., lil-t., nat-m., Sep.

sideways, can only see objects when looking at them : Chin-s.

smoking : Asc-t.

standing : Dig., verat-v.

stimulants, from : Kali-br., Nux-v.

straining eyes : Agar., calc., Ruta.

sunlight agg. : Asar., both., cic., merc.

suppressed foot-sweat, after : Sil.

thinking, from : Arg-n.

twilight amel. : Phos.

uncovering head, from : Calc.

urination amel. : Gels.

vertigo, during : Acon., act-sp., agar., amyg., anac., ant-t., apis., arg-m., arg-n., ars., asaf., bell., calc., camph., canth., carb-an., cham., cic., cimic., cupr., Cycl., dulc., euon., Ferr., Gels., gins., glon., gran., graph., gymn., hell., hep., hyos., kali-bi., kalm., lach., lact., laur., merc., mosch., nit-ac., Nux-v., olnd., par., phos., phyt., puls., raph., sabad., sabin., seneg., stram., stront., sulph., tep., ter., til., zinc.

waking, on : Cycl., puls.

walking, while : Dor., gels., puls., sanic., sin-a.

in open air : Agar., gels., til.

amel. : Lachn.

warmth : Calc., Puls.

washing in water, after : Kali-c.

white objects, when fixing eyes upon : Cham.

winking amel. : Anan., euphr.

wiping eyes amel. : Alum., arg-n., carl., cina., croc., euphr., lyc., nat-a., nat-c., puls., sil.

writing, while : Aloe., calc-f., chel., con., lyc., Nat-m., ol-an., phys., rhod., sep., thuj., zinc.

DIPLOPIA : Aeth., agar., alumn., am-c., apis., arg-n., arn., art-v., atro., Aur., bar-c., bell., bry., calc., cann-i., cann-s., carb-s., caust., chel., chlf., cic., clem., con., crot-h., cupr., cycl., daph., dig., eug., eupho., Gels., ger., graph., Hyos., iod., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-cy., kali-i., lyc., lyss., mag-p., med., merc-c., merc., morph., Nat-m., nicc., Nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., par., petr., phys., phyt., plb., psor., puls., raph., rhus-t., sec., seneg., sep., spong., stann., stram., sulph., syph., tab., ter., ther., thuj., ust., verat., zinc.

morning : Cycl., gels.

evening : Agar., con., nit-ac., phyt.

night : Nit-ac.

convulsions, with : Bell., cic., hyos., nux-v., stram.

distant objects : Am-c., bell., nit-ac., plb.

headache, with : Gels.

horizontal objects, of : Nit-ac., olnd.

inclining head to either side : Gels.

light, when looking at : Ther.

looking downward : Arn., olnd.

intensely : Am-c., con., gins.

sideways : Gels.

right : Caust., dig.

upward : Caust.

lying down amel. : Spong.

near objects : Aur., bell., cic., con., nit-ac., phyt., stann., verat-v.

overwork at the desk : Agar.

pregnancy, during : Bell., cic., gels.

reading : Agar., ant-t., arg-n., camph., graph., stram., thuj.

riding in the cars, after : Cupr.

sleep, after : Chlol., gels.

standing erect and looking down : Olnd.

turning eyes to right, on : Dig.

vertigo, after : Bell.

writing : Coca., graph.


DISTANT, objects seem : All-c., anac., atro., aur., bell., calc., cann-i., carb-an., carb-s., Gels., glon., merc-c., nat-m., nux-m., ox-ac., phos., plb., stann., stram., Sulph.

dark, in the : Nux-m.

on waking : Anac.

EXERTION of vision agg. (See Looking) : Agar., alum., am-c., am-m., anac., apis., arg-m., Arg-n., asaf., asar., aur., bar-c., bar-m., bell., bor., bry., Calc., cann-i., canth., carb-v., caust., chlol., cic., Cina., cocc., coff., con., Croc., cupr., dros., dulc., ferr., graph., hep., ign., jab., Kali-c., kali-p., kali-s., kreos., led., Lyc., mag-c., mag-m., mang., merc., mez., mur-ac., naja., nat-a., nat-c., Nat-m., nat-p., nicc., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., Onos., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., phys., phyt., puls., ran-b., Rhod., rhus-t., Ruta., sabad., sars., sel., Seneg., sep., Sil., spig., spong., staph., stram., stront., sul-ac., sulph., ther., thuj., valer., verb., viol-o., zinc.

physical, amel. : Aur.

FADE away, then reappear, objects : Gels.

FAR-SIGHTED (See Hypermetropia)

FEATHERY : Alum., calc., kreos., Lyc., mag-c., merc., nat-c., nat-m., seneg., spig.

FIERY : Bell., bry., dig., hyos., iod., Kali-c., lach., nat-m., nux-v., phos., psor., sep., Spig., stram., viol-o., zinc.

balls : Cycl., stram.

bodies : Arg-n., zinc.

circles : Anan., calc-p., camph., carb-v., ip., puls., zinc.

disks : Thuj.

points : Ammc., aur., merc., merl., nat-m., petr., sec., zinc.

moving with the eyes : Am-c.

rays about the light : Kali-c., Lach.

rising from seat, on : Verat.

shimmerings : Calc-p.

showers : Plb.

spots : Alum., coca., elaps.

zigzags : Con., graph., ign., Nat-m., sep.

around objects : Graph., nat-m.

FIRE, a sea of, on closing the eyes : Phos., spig.

FLAMES : Bell., calc., cann-s., carb-v., chin-s., cinch-b., cycl., dulc., myric., puls., sant., spong., staph., ther., thuj.

night in bed : Spong., staph.

waking, on : Cycl.

various colored flames : Crot-h., phos., thuj.

FLASHES : Bell., benz-n., brom., calc., carb-s., caust., cedr., chlf., coca., croc., cycl., dig., fl-ac., glon., merc-i-f., merc., nat-c., op., Phos., Phys., puls., sec., sil., spong., stram., sulph., tab., tarent., valer.

morning in the dark : Arg-n.

waking, on : Nat-c.

closing the eyes, on : Ail., nat-c., phos., sep., spong., sulph.

coughing, on : Kali-c., kali-chl.

dark, in the : Arg-n., Phos., stram., valer.

electric shocks, like : Croc.

sleep, on going to : Phos.

streaks : Nat-c., nux-v.

waking, after : Nat-c.

FLICKERING : Acon., aesc., agar., all-c., aloe., alum., am-c., anac., ant-t., aran., ars-i., ars., bar-c., bar-m., Bell., bor., bry., calc-f., calc-s., calc., camph., cann-i., cann-s., caps., carb-o., Carb-s., carb-v., carl., caust., cham., chel., chin-a., chin., chlf., clem., coca., coff., con., croc., cupr-ac., Cycl., dig., gels., Graph., hell., hep., hyos., ign., iod., kalm., Lach., led., lyc., med., meny., merc., merl., mez., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., Nat-m., nat-p., nux-v., op., paeon., petr., ph-ac., Phos., phys., plat., plb., psor., puls., sant., sars., sec., seneg., Sep., sil., sol-n., staph., stram., stront., Sulph., sumb., tab., ther., thuj., zinc.

right : Bry., lach.

left : Chin-a., nat-p.

daytime : Anac., phos.

morning : Am-c., bor., calc., kali-c.

headache, with : Cycl.

rising, on : Carb-v., Cycl., nat-p.

waking : Calc., dulc.

writing : Bor.

5 a.m. : Nat-p.


afternoon after nap : Lyc.

evening : Merc., til.

on attempting to read : Cycl.

night agg. : Cycl.

around outside the range of vision : Graph.

ascending stairs : Dig.

breakfast, after : Sulph.

candlelight : Bar-c.

chill : Cham., led., lyc., sep., ther.

circles : Calc-p.

closing eyes, when : Nat-a., ther.

colors, various : Cycl.

dinner, during : Thuj.

after : Bry.

eating amel. : Phos.

entering a house, on : Dig.

exercise, after : Dig.

headache, at beginning of : Sars.

before : Aran., graph., iris., nat-m., plat., psor., sars., sulph.

during : Chin-a., chin-s., Chin., coloc., con., Cycl., graph., lach., Nat-m., phos., sars., sil., sulph.

light, when looking at : Sep.

looking long : Caust., ph-ac., psor.

intently : Led., tab.

lying, while : Cham.

moving to the right : Bor.

paroxysmal : Ther.

reading, while : Aran., arn., cob., cycl., merc., ph-ac., seneg.

rising, on : Acon.

sewing, while : Iod.

sleep, on going to : Lyc.

sudden : Zing.

vertigo, with : Alum., bell., calc., dig., glon., stram., thuj., vinc.

wiping eyes agg. : Seneg.

writing, while : Agar., aran., arn., bor., nat-m., seneg.

FOCAL distance changes while reading : Agar., carb-ac., jab., lyc.

unequal : Chin.

FOGGY : Acon., agar., alum., am-c., am-m., ambr., ammc., ant-t., apis., aran., arg-m., arg-n., ars-i., Ars., arum-t., arund., asaf., atro., aur., bar-c., bell., berb., bism., bruc., bry., bufo., cahin., calc-f., calc-p., calc-s., Calc., camph., cann-i., carb-an., carb-s., carl., cast., Caust., cedr., cham., chel., chin-s., Chin., cina., clem., cocc., coff-t., coloc., con., Croc., crot-t., cund., Cycl., dig., dros., dulc., elaps., euphr., eupi., form., gamb., Gels., gent-c., glon., graph., grat., haem., hep., hydr-ac., hyos., iod., ip., jab., kali-ar., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., kreos., lach., lact-ac., laur., lil-t., lith., lyc., mag-c., Merc., merl., mill., morph., nat-a., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., nux-m., ol-an., op., osm., petr., ph-ac., Phos., pic-ac., plan., plat., plb., podo., psor., Puls., ran-b., raph., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sabad., sang., sars., sec., sep., sil., sol-n., spig., staph., stram., stry., Sulph., tab., tarent., ther., thuj., til., upa., Zinc.

daytime : Bar-c.

morning : Am-m., bar-c., bov., bry., caust., lyc., nicc., nit-ac., stram., zinc.

10 a.m. to 3 p.m. : Nat-m.

afternoon : Cycl., mag-c., nat-m.

3 to 4 p.m. : Bufo.

4 p.m. after sleep : Cahin., lyc.

evening : Alum., cina., euphr., Ind., lyc., phos., rhus-t., Sulph., tab.

candlelight : Sulph.

bright light agg. : Am-m.

candlelight, around : Osm., tell.

circles : Merl.

colors, caused by : Tarent.

dinner, after : Bar-c., lyc.

distant objects : Phos.

eating, after : Bar-c., calc.

fever : Sep.

headache, during : Aster., cycl., sulph.

hemiopia, in : Aur.

incipient cataract : Caust.

lying on left side : Merc-i-f.

motion, during : Con.

open air agg. : Am-m., thuj.


reading, while : Arn., ars., camph., cina., croc., gent-c., grat., kali-c., lyc., nat-m., ph-ac., sulph., vinc.

rising from a seat : Puls.

room, in : Lact-ac., osm.

rubbing amel. : Puls.

seminal emissions, after : Sars.

sewing : Ph-ac.

sitting, after long : Sars.

sleep, after : Stram.

standing : Caust., nat-m.

sunlight agg. : Am-m., tarent.

tremulous : Kali-c.

walking : Phys., puls., vinc.

washing amel. : Am-m., caust.

writing : Asaf., calc-f., grat., lyc., ph-ac.

GAUZE (See Foggy)

GLIMMERING (See Flickering)

GLITTERING objects : Aran., arund., calc-p., camph., cycl., nux-v., ther.

bodies on blowing nose : Alum., nat-s.

bright, luminous appearances : Calc., hep., phos.

outside, the range of vision : Nux-v.

candlelight, in : Anag.

circle : Calc-p.

gaslight, in : Aur.

needles : Cycl.

points : Chel.

reading, while : Aran.

stars : Con.

vertigo, with : Calc.

zigzags : Ign.

HAIR, as if, hung before the sight and must be wiped away : Alum., ars-h., colch., dig., euphr., sang., spig., staph.

HEMIOPIA : Ars., aur-m., aur., bov., cahin., calc-s., calc., cann-s., caust., cic., cocc., cycl., dig., gels., glon., lith., lob., lyc., morph., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., plb., psor., rhus-t., sep., staph., stram., sulph., zinc.

evening : Calc-s., dig.

right half lost : Calc., cocc., cycl., glon., iod., Lith., lyc.

left half lost : Calc., cic., nat-c.

horizontal : Ars., aur., sep., sulph., tub.

lower lost : Aur., cahin., sulph.

menses, during : Lith.

upper lost : Ars., Aur., camph., dig., gels.

vertical : Aur., bov., calc., caust., cic., gels., glon., Lith., lyc., morph., mur-ac., nat-m., op., plb.

walking, while : Dig.

HIGH, objects seem too (See Large)

HYPERMETROPIA : Acon., aesc., alum., Arg-n., bell., bry., Calc., carb-an., caust., chel., chin., coloc., con., dros., grat., hyos., lil-t., lyc., mag-m., mez., morph., nat-c., nat-m., nux-v., onos., petr., phos., phys., phyt., psor., raph., sang., Sep., Sil., spig., stram., sulph., tab., valer.

evening : Hyper.

overuse of eyes in fine work : Arg-n.

ILLUSIONS : Aesc., agar., bell., camph., carb-s., chel., dig., eup-per., hyos., kali-bi., lact., merc., onos., Phos., plb., sang., stram., sulph., thuj.

falling asleep, when : Phos.

insects : Caust., dig., merc.

objects passing : Glon.

IMAGES too long retained : Alum., anan., jab., lac-c., nat-m., tab., tub.

INVERTED, objects seem : Bell., guare., kali-c.

JUMP, words when reading : Bell., lyss.

LARGE field of vision : Fl-ac., stry.

flame of light : Dig., osm.

objects seem : Aeth., apis., atro., berb., cann-i., cann-s., con., eupho., Hyos., laur., nat-m., nicc., Nux-m., onos., op., ox-ac., phys., verb.

elongated : Zinc.

raises his foot unnecessarily high in stepping over small objects when walking : Eupho., Onos.

rising from a seat, on : Staph.

twilight, in : Berb.


LIGHT : Calc., caust., chin-s., phos., spong.

insensibility to : Agar., kali-br.

points : Nat-m.

in a dark circle : Caust.

spots : Con.

streaks of : Nat-m.

pass downward; seen to one side of eye in dark : Thuj.

waves of : Bor.

LIGHTNINGS : Bell., brom., caust., croc., cycl., dig., fl-ac., glon., kali-c., nat-c., nux-v., olnd., op., phos., phys., puls., sant., sec., sep., sil., spig., staph., stram., valer., zinc.

noon : Dig.

night, distant, sheet lightning in dark, 11 p.m. : Coca.

dark, in : Phos., stram., valer.

on falling asleep : Nat-c., Phos., sulph.

on waking : Nat-c.

LOSS OF VISION (blindness) : Acon., agar., all-c., alum., ant-c., ant-t., apis., arg-m., arg-n., arn., ars., aster., aur-m., aur., bell., berb., both., bov., bufo., cact., calc., camph., cann-i., caps., carb-an., carb-o., carb-s., caust., cham., chel., chin-s., chin., chlf., chlol., cic., clem., con., croc., crot-c., crot-h., crot-t., cupr-ac., cycl., dig., elaps., eug., eup-per., euphr., eupi., ferr-p., ferr., gels., glon., hell., hura., hydr-ac., Hyos., ip., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-cy., kali-i., kali-n., kalm., kreos., lach., lact-ac., lact., lam., led., lith., lyc., lyss., meny., meph., Merc., morph., mosch., naja., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., olnd., op., ph-ac., phos., plb., Puls., raph., rhus-t., rhus-v., sars., sec., sep., Sil., sol-n., spig., Stram., sulph., tab., ther., thuj., verat-v., verat., vip., zinc-m., zinc.

daytime : Con., sil., Stram., sulph.

light, caused by : Merl., nit-ac., phos., sep.

morning : Bell., ign., sulph.

fasting : Calc.

rising : Puls.

forenoon : Thuj.

noon : Am-c.

before eating : Dulc.

afternoon : Indg.

after pain in head and eyes : Con.

rising after sleep, on : Ferr.

stooping, on : Apis.

4 p.m. : Lyc.

evening : Bell., calc., camph., ferr., nat-c., phos., psor., til.

light, caused by : Lyc., mang., thuj.

menses, during : Sep.

reading, while : Brom.

sitting down during vertigo, on : Coloc.

sunset, at : Bell.

twilight : Lyc., psor.

night : Bell., cadm., chel., Chin., hell., hyos., Lyc., meph., merc., nit-ac., nux-v., petros., psor., puls., ran-b., stram., verat., zinc.

flickering by day, blind at night : Anac.

abdominal pain, with : Crot-t., plb.

air, open : Nit-ac.

amel. : Merc., phos.

alternates with headaches : Kali-bi.

ascending stairs : Coca.

bright objects, by : Grat., ph-ac.

chill, during : Cann-i.

cold, after catching : Acon.

convulsions, before : Cupr.

after : Sec.

damp weather : Crot-h.

delirium, during : Phos.

dinner, after : Calc., zinc.

eating, after : Calc., crot-t., sil.

emotion, sudden, from : Jug-c.

exerting them : Chin., helon., lyc., nat-m.

in sewing : Berb., nat-m., ruta.

fainting, as from : Agar., aur., bell., calc., caust., chel., chen-a., cic., cycl., dros., ferr-p., ferr., graph., hep., hyos., kali-n., mang., merc., nat-m., olnd., phos., puls., sep., spig., stram.

fixing eyes : Ant-t., euphr., kali-bi., mag-c., nat-m., nit-ac., spig.


headache, at beginning of : Kali-bi., sars.

after : Sil.

head, rush of blood to, during : Grat.

on turning : Sec.

suddenly : Helon.

injury to eye, after : Arn.

light, by : Calc., graph., mang., phos.

artificial light : Aur-m., chin., lyc., mang., nux-m., phos.

entering from dark : Dig.

of sun : Lith.

lightning stroke, after : Phos.

looking downward : Kalm.

at near objects : Mag-m.

on looking long at an object : Mang.

sideways : Olnd.

upwards : Cupr.

lying down amel. : Cina., phos., sep.

menses, during : Graph., lyc., Puls., sep.

amel. : Sep.

mental exertion : Arg-n., meny.

motion agg. : Grat.

nausea, during : Sep.

paroxysmal : Acon., con., kali-n., mang., nux-v., phos., sil., stram., sulph.

parturition, during : Aur-m., caust., cocc., cupr.

periodic : Ant-t., chel., chin., dig., euphr., hyos., merc., nat-m., phos., puls., sep., sil., sulph.

reading, while : Agar., arg-n., aur-m., caust., clem., crot-h., dros., haem., lachn., lyc., nat-c., phos., staph.

in a standing posture : Glon.

rising : Cedr., glon., hep., olnd.

from bed : Bell., cina., colch., com., sec.

after eating : Merc.

sitting, while : Kalm., merc., phos.

bent over, after : Hep.

sleeping in the sun, after : Con.

sleep amel. : Calc., grat.

snow, by : Cic.

soup, while eating : Nat-s.

standing, on : Colch.

amel. : Merc.

stooping : Bell., coff., com., ferr-p., graph., phos., upa.

sudden : Aur-m., calc., chin., cupr., mosch., nat-m., phos., psor., sec.

sunlight, sleeping in : Con.

tobacco : Ars., nux-v., phos.

vanishing of sight : Ant-t., arg-m., arg-n., carb-s., chel., chen-a., cic., crot-t., cycl., gels., graph., grat., kali-bi., kali-c., laur., lyss., nat-m., nux-m., Nux-v., ox-ac., puls., sep., sil., spig., zinc.

menses, during : Graph.

rising from a seat : Hep.

from stooping : Kali-bi.

writing, while : Kali-c.

vertigo, during : Anac., apis., arg-n., asaf., bell., chen-a., crot-t., gels., hep., merc., morph., Nux-v., rhus-t., ter., thea.

waking, on : Bell., oena.

walking, while : Dor., ferr., hell., lachn., sulph., verat-v.

in open air : Merc.

warm room agg. : Merc.

white objects, looking at : Graph., tab.

writing : Arg-n., grat., kali-c., phys., zinc.

MIST (See Foggy)

MISTAKES : Bell., bov., eupho., kali-c., plat.

MOONLIGHT amel. : Aur.

MOVING : Agar., aloe., am-c., Arg-n., bell., bor., calc-p., calc., cann-i., cic., con., euphr., glon., ign., lach., laur., lyc., meny., merc., mosch., nux-v., olnd., par., petr., psor., sabad., sep., stram.

evening, reading, while : Merc.

letters : Agar., con., hyos., iod., merc., phys.

towards noon : Am-c.

objects seem to be : Bapt., carb-ac., con., euphr., hydr-ac., ign., nux-m., psor.

backward : Bell., calc., cic., sep.

slowly : Sep.


backward and forward : Carb-ac., cic.

fine motion : Petr.

floating : Nux-m.

revolving : Bell.

side to side : Cic.

to and fro, towards noon : Elaps.

to float : Anag., lyss.

up and down : Ars., cocc., con., sil., spong.

something moving : Lyss., psor.

MULTIPLIED, objects seem (See Diplopia)

MUSCÆ volitantes (See Colors, black)

MYOPIA : Agar., am-c., anac., apis., arg-n., ars., calc., carb-s., carb-v., chin., cimic., coff-t., con., cycl., dig., euphr., gels., graph., grat., hyos., jab., lach., lyc., mang., meph., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., nit-ac., petr., ph-ac., Phos., Phys., pic-ac., plb., psor., Puls., raph., ruta., sel., spong., stram., sul-ac., sulph., syph., thuj., tub., valer., verb., viol-o., viol-t.

exerting the eyes, after : Carb-v.

candlelight, sight worse by, than by daylight : Arg-n.

looking away from work amel. : Ph-ac.

reading, while : Agar., grat., lyc.

NEARER, objects seem : Bov., phys., rhus-t., stram.

to each other : Nux-m.

NET before eyes : Carb-an., chin-s., hyos.

swimming : Carb-an.

OBLIQUITY : Nux-m., stram.

PALE, objects become, after looking long : Agar.

QUIVERING (See Trembling)

RAIN, seems looking through rain : Nat-m.

RAINBOW (See Colors, halo)

RANGE of vision changes while reading (See Focal)

RAYS, light seems broken up into : Bell.

curved, shooting from visual axis : Iod.

RECEDING (See Moving)

ROUND objects pass before eyes while lying : Caust.

RUN together, letters : Arg-n., art-v., atro., bell., berb., bry., calc-ar., calc., camph., Cann-i., chel., chin., clem., coca., con., dros., elaps., euphr., ferr., gels., gins., graph., iris., lac-c., lyc., meph., merl., Nat-m., op., osm., Ruta., seneg., Sil., Staph., Stram., tub., viol-o.

morning : Bry.

evening : Merl.

reading in bed, while : Bell.

after a little while : Con.

mental exertion, after : Arg-n.

writing, while : Carb-ac., chel., clem., ferr., gels., lyc., merl., op., sil.

objects : Berb., sil.

sewing, while : Berb., calc.

stitches, while sewing : Nat-m.

SCINTILLATIONS (See Sparks, Flickerings)

SCOTOMA : Aloe., carb-s., tab.

central : Carb-s., tab.

SHADOWS : Ruta., seneg.

on one side of objects : Calc.

look shaded : Seneg.

SMALL, objects seem : All-c., aur., camph., carb-v., glon., hyos., kali-chl., lyc., med., merc-c., merc., nit-ac., op., plat., plb., stram., thuj.

SMOKY (See Foggy)

SNAKE before the vision : Arg-n., gels.

SNOW, falling : Plb.

morning, on waking, objects seem covered with : Dig.

flakes : Bell., jab.

SPARKS : Acon., am-c., ammc., ant-t., arn., ars-i., ars., aur., bar-c., Bell., bufo., calc-f., calc., camph., caust., chel., chin-a., chin-s., Chin., chlf., coff., con., cupr-ar., cupr., cycl., dulc., ferr-i., glon., hyos., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-s., lach., lyc., lyss., mag-p., merc., mez., nat-a., nat-c., nat-p., nit-ac., nuph., nux-v., op., petr., phos., pic-ac., plat., psor., sec., sep., sil., sol-n., spig., staph., stram., stront., stry., sulph., thuj., valer., verat., zinc.

daytime : Croc.

morning : Calc., ferr-i.

breakfast, after : Ferr-i.

on waking : Calc.


noon : Dig., verat.

evening : Ammc.

like rays : Mang.

night : Am-c., staph.

on falling asleep : Phos.

on waking : Am-c., calc.

air, open, on going into : Con., lyc.

blowing the nose, on : Alum., cod.

closing eyes, on : Hydr.

coughing, when : Bell., kali-c., nuph., par.

dark, in : Bar-c., calc., lyc., phos., thuj., valer.

dinner, during : Thuj.

epileptic fit, before : Hyos.

exertion of mind : Aur.

headache, before : Carb-ac., chin-s., coca., cycl., eug., lach., phos., plat., psor., sars., spong., viol-o.

during : Am-c., ars., chel., Mag-p.

outside the field of vision, either side : Thuj.

rest, during, agg. : Dulc.

sewing, while : Iod.

sitting, while : Hura.

streaks in, after writing : Carl.

vertigo, during : Ars., camph., psor.

walking, while : Hura.

winking, on : Caust.

writing : Kali-bi.

SPOTS : Act-sp., alum., carb-s., caust., colch., con., Cycl., elaps., jab., kali-bi., Kali-c., Phos., sil., sol-n., Sulph., verat-v.

closing eyes, on : Hydr.

colored : Astac.

floating : Am-m., cann-i., dig., hell., phos.

headache, with : Cycl.

before : Psor.

jumping up and down : Croc.

looking steadily : Act-sp.

luminous : Hyos.

reading : Astac., jab., kali-c.

round : Dig.

waking, on : Cycl.

writing : Kali-bi.

STARS (See Sparks, Flashes) : Alum., ammc., atro., aur., calc., cast., con., hyos., kali-c., nat-c., puls., sec., tarent., verat-v.

artificial light, in : Puls.

dancing : Croc.

right side of field of vision : Calc.

starry halo round light : Puls.

white (See Colors)

writing, when : Kali-c.

STRIPES (See Colors) : Con., sep., sulph., thuj.

SWIMMING of letters : Bell., coca.

objects : Carb-ac., carl., coloc., merl., mez., Nat-m., par., sumb., thuj., til., zinc.

5 p.m. : Thuj.

TREMBLING objects (See Dazzling) : Alum., bell., camph., cann-i., carb-s., con., cur., kali-c., lyc., petr., ph-ac., phos., phys., plat., plb., psor., sabad., sumb., viol-o.

morning, on waking : Phos.

evening by light : Lyc., petr.

in artificial light : Lyc.

yellow shining tremulous mist : Kali-c.

TRIPLOPIA : Bell., sec.

turning eyes to right : Dig.

VANISHING of sight (See Loss of Vision)

VARIEGATED colors (See Colors)

VEIL, as through (See Foggy)

VIBRATION, as of heated air (See Trembling) : Lyc.

VISIONS, sees, on closing eyes (See Delusions) : Calc., spong.

WAVERING : Bell., con., lyc., manc., nat-m., sant., sumb., verat-v.

WAVING, luminous openings, he sees : Arund.

WEAK (See Eyes, weak) : Acet-ac., acon., agar., alum., am-c., anac., apis., arg-m., arg-n., ars-i., ars., asaf., asar., aur-m., bar-c., bell., cact., cann-i., cann-s., caust., chel., chin-a., Chin., cic., cina., cinnb., coc-c., Con., crot-h., dig., gels., ham., hura., hyos., hyper., iod., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-br., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., kali-s., kalm., lach., lact., led., lil-t., lith., lyc., mang., meph., merc., merl., morph., nat-a., nat-m., nat-s., nicc., nux-v., Op., par., petr., ph-ac., Phos., plb., puls., raph., rhus-t., Ruta., sal-ac., sec., seneg., sep., sil., sol-n., spig., stann., stram., sul-ac., sulph., tab., tarent., thuj., til., verat., zing.

morning, as if the eyes were strained : Ruta.

evening : Euphr., tarent.

candlelight, by : Bar-c., hep.


twilight : Arg-n.

using agg. : Apis.

bring light agg. : Bell., sol-n.

long distances, for : Nat-a.

using eyes agg. : Agar., alum., am-c., Apis., arg-m., carb-v., caust., gels., jab., Nat-m., par., phos., Ruta., Seneg., sulph.

WHIRLING : Apis., atro., eug., glon., kali-c., pic-ac., ust., verat.

ZIGZAGS : Graph., ign., Nat-m., sep.

circles of colors : Sep., viol-o.

flickering : Graph., ign., lach., phos.

fluttering : Thuj.

outside the range of vision : Graph.

wavy : Thuj.

writing, while : Thuj.





ABSCESS behind (See Boils, suppuration) : Anan., Aur., bar-m., caps., carb-an., kali-c., nit-ac., phys., Sil.

every two weeks ear gathers and discharges : Iris.

below : Nat-h.

in meatus : Calc-s., crot-h., Hep., mag-c., puls., Sil.

menses, during : Puls.

ADHESIONS in middle ear : Iod.

AGGLUTINATION of auricle to head : Olnd.

AIR, sensation of in (See Wind) : Graph., mez.

bubble of air : Nat-m.

cold : Caust., dulc., mez., plat., staph., vinc.

distension, meatus in evening : Mez.

fanning before, sensation of : Calc., mang., nit-ac.

forced into, when blowing nose : Sulph.

eructations, during : Caust., graph.

rushing in : Lachn., mang., mez., staph.

during eructations : Caust.

out, as if : Chel.

as of cold air : Mill.

streaming into, on drawing jaw to other side : Sarr.

open, sensitive to, about ears : Caust., Cham., Lach., mez.

BALD spot above : Phos.

BLEEDING (See Discharges)

BLOWING sensation in : Ail., rhus-t., sel.

right : Ail., rhus-t.

headache, during : Sel.

pulsative, at night : Sep.

BOARD before, sensation of : Arg-m.

left : Arg-m.

BORING fingers in : Agar., chel., mez., mill., phys., ruta., sal-ac., sil., thuj.

child : Arund., cina., psor., sil.

sleep, during : Sil.

amel. : Chel., lach., mez., par., rheum., spig.

BREATH, sensation as if it came from ear : Psor.

CALCAREOUS deposit on tympanum : Calc-f., syph.

CARIES, threatened : Asaf., Aur., calc-f., calc-s., calc., nat-m., Sil., sulph.

mastoid process : Aur., Caps., carb-an., fl-ac., hep., lach., nit-ac., Sil.

petrous portion temporal bone : Caps.

CATARRH (See Discharges)

eustachian tube : Alum., Asar., calc-s., Calc., caps., caust., gels., hydr., iod., kali-bi., kali-chl., kali-i., Kali-s., mang., merc-d., merc., nat-m., nit-ac., Petr., phos., phyt., Puls., sang., Sil.

CHILBLAINS (See Itching, burning)

CHILDREN : Cham., puls., zinc.

CLOSED sensation (See Stopped)

COLDNESS : Aeth., amyg., ars., bapt., berb., calc-p., calc., carb-v., chel., cic., ip., kali-ar., kali-c., lach., lyc., mang., meny., merc., nit-ac., paeon., petr., plat., psor., ran-s., seneg., stram., ter., thea., verat-v., verat.

right : Kali-c., lyc.

and burning of left : Nat-n.

evening : Mez., paeon.

in warm bed : Merc.

5 p.m. : Paeon.

alternating with heat : Verat.

burning hot yet cold to touch : Bapt., nat-n.

draft, as from a : Mang., stann.

extending through : Seneg.