M. T. Ahmad   W. Boericke   

Bellis Perennis offers the best treatment for sprains of the ankle, muscle pains and collection of blood in the soft tissues resulting from a blunt injury. Although, it is not used as often as Arnica and Ruta, it is very important in the treatment of such conditions.


bellis perennis 1The sprain of the ankle is a very troublesome condition and can linger on for life, but Bellis can gradually cure even an old sprain of the ankle and its associated pain. Many a time, while walking, the ankle can turn inwards and cause severe pain. Arnica gives temporary relief, but after some time the pain returns. The possible chronicity of the condition can be obviated by using Bellis. The symptoms of Bellis intensify on exposure to cold air. Bellis is the best remedy for the physical fatigue and aching muscles of hard-working farmers and labourers. Bellis also benefits joints which tend to fail as a result of long, strenuous use.

During pregnancy, women often develop prominent swelling of the veins on the legs (varicose veins). Bellis is a very useful remedy in this condition. However, most homoeopathic physicians forget to use Bellis and resort to other remedies instead. Bellis is very beneficial for the treatment of pain and discomfort of the muscles of the abdominal wall. There may be pain in the muscles of the uterus and the muscles of the abdomen, which can make it difficult for some women to stand up without support. Bellis is also very useful for them.

Bellis Perennis is deeply related to the muscles around the backbone. The weakened muscles make the vertebrae unsupported and unstable. Bellis is most beneficial in strengthening the muscles of the back. Sometimes, the pain at just one particular vertebra of the back can make walking difficult. Bellis significantly benefits this condition. Bellis is very useful in the treatment of injury to the backbone and inflammation of the nerves.

Hypericum is the very special remedy for treating pain at the coccyx (coccalgia). When given with Bellis or Arnica, its beneficial effect becomes more pronounced. The symptoms of Bellis intensify by taking a cold shower or on exposure to cold air.

Adjuvants: Arnica, Arsenic, Staphysagria, Bryonia

Potency: 30 to 200

 W. Boericke

bellis perennis 2BELLIS PERENNIS

It acts upon the muscular fibers of the blood-vessels. Much muscular soreness. Lameness, as if sprained. Venous congestion, due to mechanical causes. First remedy in injuries to the deeper tissues, after major surgical work. Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance of cold bathing. After gout, debility of limbs.

Traumatism of the pelvic organs, auto-traumatism, expresses the condition calling for this remedy; ill effects from masturbation. Excellent remedy for sprains and bruises. Complaints due to cold food or drink when the body is heated, and in affections due to cold wind. Externally, in nævi. Acne. Boils all over. Sore, bruised feeling in the pelvic region. Exudations, stasis, swelling, come within the range of this remedy. Rheumatic symptoms. Does not vitiate the secretions. "It is a princely remedy for old laborers, especially gardeners" (Burnett).

Head.  Vertigo in elderly people. Headache from occiput to top of head. Forehead feels contracted. Bruised soreness. Itching around scalp and over back, worse from hot bath and bed.

Female.  Breasts and uterus engorged. Varicose veins in pregnancy. During pregnancy inability to walk. Abdominal muscles lame. Uterus feels sore, as if squeezed.

Sleep.  Wakes early in morning and cannot get to sleep again.

Abdomen.  Soreness of abdominal walls and of uterus. Stitches in spleen, sore, enlarged. Yellow, painless diarrhœa, foul odor, worse at night. Bloated; rumbling in bowels.

Skin.  Boils. Ecchymosis, swelling, very sensitive to touch. Venous congestion due to mechanical causes. Varicose veins with bruised sore feeling. Exudations and swellings. Acne.

Extremities.  Joints sore, muscular soreness. Itching on back and flexor surfaces of thighs. Pain down anterior of thighs. Wrist feels contracted as from elastic band around joint. Sprains feels contracted as from elastic band around joint. Sprains with great soreness. Railway spine.

Relationship.  Compare: Arnica; Arsenic; Staphis; Hamamelis; Bryonia; Vanadium (degenerative states).

Modalities.  Worse, left side; hot bath and warmth of bed; before storms; cold bathing; cold wind.

Dose.  Tincture to third potency.