Mirza Tahir Ahmad - William Boericke   

Anthracinum 1Anthracinum is prepared from the putrefied matter taken from the spleen of sick sheep. It is a first-rate treatment for ulcers and bleeding. Most homoeopaths use it sparingly but I have found it to be very useful in my practice.

Abscesses developing in inflamed glands are hard and bundled together. They exhibit an ugly, bluish discolouration and are painful, but do not progress to softening and pus formation. For such boils, Anthracinum is a sure-shot homoeopathic remedy, resulting in cure within a month or two.

Chronic wounds and ulcers of the internal organs, which exude blood and have a tendency to turn into cancer, can possibly be treated with Anthracinum. Anthracinum is also very useful in the treatment of deep wounds, which rip the skin apart and bleed. In view of this symptom, I am of the opinion that Anthracinum would also be beneficial in Ulcerative Colitis (in which, the lining of the large gut disintegrates, ulcerates and bleeds). In the allopathic system of treatment, there is no definite cure for this disease. The medicines used only temporarily control the disease, and have side effects. Only the surgical removal of the diseased part of the colon offers cure. When a disease has been merely suppressed by inappropriate medication, this may lead to Ulcerative Colitis. I have found Anthracinum to be very useful in such medically induced colitis.

Anthracinum not only has the capability of curing chronic sores and abscesses, but also prevents their recurrence. Anthracinum can be useful in combating the persistent, dark bleeding from any part of the body.

Antidotes: Apis, Camphor, Carbo Veg, Kreosote, Silicea, Rhus Tox

Potency: 30 to 200

William Boericke

anthracinum 2ANTHRACINUM

This nosode has proven a great remedy in epidemic spleen diseases of domestic animals, and in septic inflammation, carbuncles and malignant ulcers. In boils and boil-like eruptions, acne. Terrible burning. Induration of cellular tissue, abscess, bubo, and all inflammation of connective tissue in which there exists a purulent focus.

Tissues. Hæmorrhages, black, thick, tar-like, rapidly decomposing, from any orifice. Glands swollen, cellular tissues œdematous and indurated. Septicæmia. Ulceration, sloughing and intolerable burning. Erysipelas. Black and blue blisters. Dissecting wounds. Insect stings. Bad effects from inhaling foul odors. Gangrenous parotitis. Succession of boils. Gangrene. Foul secretions.

Relationship. Similar to Arsenic, which it often follows. Compare: Pyrogen; Lachesis; Crotalus; Hippozoen; Echinac; Silica follows well. In the treatment of carbuncles, remember the prescription of the prophet Isaiah for King Hezekiah's carbuncle-i.e the pulp of a fig placed on a poultice and apply.

Dose. Thirtieth potency. Tarant. Cubensis.