William Boericke

A skin remedy of high order.

Painful swelling of various parts, going on to suppuration. Glandular inflammation.


anantherum muricatum 2Head.--Pains pierce brain like pointed arrows; worse in afternoon. Herpes, ulcers, and tumors on scalp. Wartlike growth on eyebrows. Boils and tumors on tip of nose. Tongue fissured, as if cut on edges; copious salivation.

Urine.--Turbid, thick, full of mucus. Constant urging. Bladder cannot hold smallest quantity. Involuntary. Cystitis.

Sexual.--Chancre-like sores. Scirrhus-like swelling of cervix. Breasts swollen, indurated, nipples excoriated.

Skin.--Diseased and deformed nails. Offensive foot-sweat. Abscesses boils, ulcers. Erysipelas. Pruritus, herpes.

Relationship.--Compare: Staphisag; Mercur; Thuja.

Dose.--Third potency.