anthrakokali 1Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Anthrakokali is very useful in skin conditions associated with itching, dryness, fissuring and blister formation, as well as in cracking at the nostrils and the nails, followed by the formation of sores. Typically, the mouth and the throat are very dry.

Excessive bile formation leads to vomiting, the abdomen distends with wind, the thirst is intense and there is copious urination.

Potency : 30

William Boericke

Useful in skin affections, scabies, prurigo, chronic herpes, cracks and ulcerations. Papular-like eruption with a vesicular tendency, especially on scrotum, also on hands, tibia, shoulders and dorsum of feet. Intense thirst. Chronic rheumatism. Bilious attacks, vomiting of bile, tympanic distention of abdomen.

Dose.--Low triturations.