Various types of arthritis and rheumatism are described under the following:

AbrotanumActaea Racemosa - Agnus Castus - Apis - Apocynum - Argentum Metallicum - Arnica - Belladonna - Benzoicum Acidum - Berberis - Bryonia - Calcarea Carb - Caulophyllum - Causticum - Colchicum - Eupatorium - Guaiacum - Kali Carb - Lachesis - Lactic Acid - Ledum - Medorrhinum - Mercurius - Natrum Sulph - Phytolacca - Pulsatilla - Rhus Tox - Sabina - Sulphur

During the study of the above, the reader will also find the discourse on these diseases and their treatment using other remedies also.

by Mirza Tahir Ahmad